If you are going through a tough phase in your life, it is time to brace up to one fact. You and only you can make your fortunes turn. Is there any successful person who has not had to face adversity? Ask them how they handled it, and you will get one answer- resilence.
Here is some food for thought!
“Put three pots of water on a fire. In the first pot put some carrots. In the second pot, put some eggs. In the third pot, put some ground coffee beans. Boil all the pots for 15 minutes.
The carrots went in hard, they are now soft. The eggs went in soft inside. They are now hard inside. The coffee beans have imparted the water with colour and a wonderful smell.
The problems of life are like the boiling water! What happens to us when we face difficulties in our life?
We can be like carrots. We go in tough and strong, we come out soft and weak. We get tired. We lose hope. There is no more fighting spirit left in us.
We can be like carrots. We go in tough and strong, we come out soft and weak. We get tired. We lose hope. There is no more fighting spirit left in us.
We can be like eggs. We start with a soft and sensitive heart, expecting to do good and get good. We end up hard and unfeeling inside. We hate others, we become embittered. We don’t like ourselves anymore.
We can be like coffee beans. The water does not change the coffee beans, the coffee beans change the water. See it! Smell it! Taste it! The hotter the water, the better the taste. We can adapt. We can learn from the problems we face, garner new knowledge, get new skills…. We can grow in experience. We can make the world around us better!"
How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?
It is important to understand that success is, among other things, a function of your ability to respond effectively to adversities. Remember, all setbacks are temporary and every failure is a lesson. Do not lose sight of your goals. Review your approach to handle the current situation and just keep doing things you need to do. When the going is really tough, it is all the more important to take care of yourself. Eat right, read inspirational material, listen to motivational songs. Believe in yourself and surround yourself with people who have a positive outlook. Negative people can de-motivate you…disassociate from them if you can.
When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest only patience, perseverance and tenacity can help you get on top of the situation.
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