Your dreams define your perspective of success. A dream streamlined by realistic parameters and shaped by your value system becomes an achievable goal. And goals can be as diverse as material success, career growth, relationships, pursuing a cherished interest or vocation, peaceful existence, gaining knowledge, etc.
So, first you need a goal, and then a way of measuring your progress towards that goal. And then some personal yardstick of which measurement would count as success and which would count as failure.
My personal notion is that, whatever the vocation or calling, a successful person is one who lights up people’s eyes and brings a smile on their faces when he walks into a room, regardless of their backgrounds, status or relationship with him. And this must be so at workplace, home and every other walk of life.
You cannot light up people’s eyes if you are not traversing your own journey of life in the most meaningful and fulfilling manner that you can.
© Sujata Khanna. All rights reserved.