Monday, April 18, 2011

Countering Adversity

In order to counter adversity, the first thing to do is to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. That’s easier said than done! Changing ones attitude takes effort. A major roadblock to change is procrastination laced with all sorts of excuses. 

You will have to take affirmative action, and you will have to take it now! It begins by your saying,

“I will do these five things every day, and I will start today: 

I will not dwell on the past. I will not think about people who let me down. I will not brood over my past mistakes. 

I will write down an affirmation (a positive quote). Each time a negative thought flashes, I will replace it with the affirmation of the day. 

I will take care to groom myself and look my best. 

I will cheerful and spread cheer. I will return every greeting with a smile. 

I will give my best to whatever I am doing and expect the best results from my efforts.”

When you brood over the past you spend your energy in fruitless activity and get distracted. Replacing negations with affirmations is an effective way of changing your attitude. By repeating an affirmation again and again, it becomes implanted in the subconscious, and becomes a strong motivator to positive action. It is a good idea to pin up your daily affirmation prominently in your work area, so that you can read it often. Also, all round affirmation will happen only when you look at yourself in the best light. When you look in the mirror, you must see a smart, well-groomed individual who can take on the world. It is this that affirms you personality, when you step out. Feeling good about yourself will make you cheerful and more enthused about your work/ calling.

So, even before you start thinking out your strategy to counter the adversity, start taking steps to get into a positive mental framework.

© Sujata Khanna. All rights reserved.

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