“Accept that some days you are the pigeon and some days the statue.”
Very funny, great cliché, but a very sad take on life. Because it is funny, it is not only easy to remember, but easy to implement as well, which is exactly why something is not quite right.

You may have been at the end of some serious crap in life. And you might blame all the people who messed up your life. You cant just sit back and say, “I was crapped upon, now, at every opportunity I will crap on someone!”
Get out of the victim mentality! It is not easy to forgive ….yet work towards LETTING GO! Forgive yourself, too, for ‘crapping’ on others till now! Only then will you start loving yourself and be able to focus on your goals! No matter what situation or circumstance you are in today, you don't have to accept the way things are in your life.
You don’t have to be a statue or a pigeon!
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