S. Srinivasan (18) was found hanging inside his house on Saturday. On Sunday, his parents found a seven-page letter in his school bag reportedly written by the student. The letter, according to his parents, accused four school teachers of harassing him ever since he and his friends complained to the headmaster about the poor quality of teaching.
Source: www.thehindu.com, June 21, 2011
A 15-year-old girl allegedly committed suicide by consuming poison on Tuesday night. Police said Sathya, a student of Government High School in Jayapuram and resident of Getapayanur village in Natrampalli police station limit, failed in Class IX examination.
Source: www.thehindu.com, June 23, 2011
A 16-year-old girl today allegedly committed suicide after being snubbed by her father in Sirsaganj area, near here, police said today. Sarita''s father snubbed her over a petty issue following which she consumed some poisonous substance, they said, adding that the body has been sent for postmortem.
Source: www.siasat.com, July 3, 2011
More adolescents die of suicide than physical disease. This is because of depression, which is increasingly be-devilling both children and adolescents.
Technology has changed the way humans interact, and the information age has come in with its own positive and negative consequences. Unlimited access to television and the internet makes children more socially reclusive. They are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and social phobias. They are also more likely to perform badly at school and have worse relationships with their parents.
Academic performance in the Indian education systems is competitive. The focus is on getting a job, rather than enriching life. Hence, parents push children to perform, not taking into account their abilities and inclinations. This pressure often takes its toll. In fact, newspapers are filled with suicide news during the examination seasons.
Adolescents, with their raging hormones, are in constant state of mental turmoil and confusion about issues. They need an outlet for their emotions. Familial support, which was available in the joint family system in the past, considerably alleviated environmental stress. Teens would always have some sympathetic adult to talk to and to sort out their situation. Today, parents are incredibly busy and quite often do not have the time to empathise. When a friendship or a relationship fails, teens easily lose confidence in life. An unrealistic sense of hopelessness brings in the suicidal urge. With no one to talk to, they are unable to analyze things in the right perspective, and jump to the conclusion that their problems are insoluble.
Being a teenager has never been easy. But in the new millennium, amidst unprecedented prosperity, growing up seems to have become more trying than ever for Indian teens.
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